Become a Sustaining Supporter of Media Island, KOWA, and our Sponsored Projects! image

Become a Sustaining Supporter of Media Island, KOWA, and our Sponsored Projects!

Monthly regular donations of any amount add up to help us and our projects get on with the good work, with less time spent raising needed funds.

$15,378 raised

$50,000 goal

/ 150


Media Island International is a resource and networking center for culturally diverse people of all ages, supporting individuals, groups and movements working for social, racial, gender, economic, and ecological justice, sustainability and Peace.

We have been active for 30 years, and have had our resource & cultural center near downtown Olympia, Washington since 1997 hosting meetings, workshops and events. We have a library, and archive of movement materials, and also operate a fully licensed Low Power FM Radio station – KOWA 106.5 broadcasting to Olympia & streaming 24/7 public affairs programming from a diversity of independent voices.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are able to offer Fiscal Sponsorship to projects and organizations which need fiscal sponsorship to receive grant funding and philanthropic donations from foundations and others who require a tax deduction. We usually support from 5 to 15 projects who share our values each year. See the Designations tabs to direct your support to one or more of these efforts.

By becoming a Sustaining Supporter of Media Island and of one or more of these projects, you help provide the ability to know that needed expenses are covered, and the good work can proceed with less energy spent raising these needed funds.

Thank you for helping make a difference!!!